Wednesday, May 25, 2011

My Book Boyfriend (19)

My Book Boyfriend is a weekly meme hosted by Missie of The Unread Reader, in which we swoon over boys in books!
(I--as in me, Amy--don't like to use commercial photos, I like to use the authors' descriptions and my imagination.)

Sonny Flannery
Book: Wondrous Strange by Lesley Livingston
Series: Wondrous Strange

A faerie changeling, and Guardian of the Samhain Gate that resides in Central Park, New York City. Silver-gray eyes set in a regal face with high cheekbones and a straight firm mouth. His hair hangs in loose sable waves down to his shoulders and his voice holds a heart-melting Irish lilt. And his whole face changes when he smiles, it's like the sun coming out.


"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you." He glanced at her purse. "Please. If you're looking for mace, you don't need to. I...I only wanted to give you this." He held out the rose. "You looked as though you could use something...nice."

"Please be there," Kelly whispered, suddenly afraid.

"Believe me, Kelley. If I'm's because I'm already dead." He stroked her hair, and she could feel his breath warm on her forehead, like a kiss. "Because anyone that seek to hurt you would have to kill me first."


  1. I love the sound of a "heart-warming Irish lilt." I love the pic of the young woman on the cover as well--she's gorgeous!

  2. I love the qoute with the Rose, very sweet :)

  3. Aww the quotes are so sweet. I've been contemplating reading this one but i think i might give it a go thanks to your quotes.
    - Abbeys bookshelf


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