Thursday, October 7, 2010

Girl, Stolen by April Henry

Girl, Stolen:
Sixteen year-old Cheyenne Wilder is sleeping in the back of a car while her mom fills her prescription at the pharmacy. Before Cheyenne realizes what's happening, their car is being stolen--with her inside! Griffin hadn’t meant to kidnap Cheyenne, all he needed to do was steal a car for the others. But once Griffin's dad finds out that Cheyenne’s father is the president of a powerful corporation, everything changes—now there’s a reason to keep her. What Griffin doesn’t know is that Cheyenne is not only sick with pneumonia, she is blind. How will Cheyenne survive this nightmare, and if she does, at what price?

April Henry wrote an intriguing and engrossing story. I really liked Cheyenne’s character and the strength and determination she had despite her blindness. She was determined to do things for herself and wouldn’t rely on anyone rescuing her but herself. The more I read of Griffin the more I absolutely loved him. In the beginning Griffin was portrayed as one of the bad guys—stealing a car that happened to have Cheyenne resting in the back seat—but as time progressed, his true gentle nature came out and he was determined to help Cheyenne escape from his father, Roy. Their shaky relationship turns into a kind of friendship as they are thrown together after Griffin saves Cheyenne from being raped by one of Roy’s acquaintances and in hopes of avoiding Roy’s anger after Cheyenne makes an escape attempt. Accidentally kidnapping Cheyenne is a life changing event for Griffin, not only because of the heavy weight to his crime, but also because Griffin learns the truth about his past and is given a second chance to live a more honest and fulfilling life. I wish I could have found out more about what was going to happen next for Griffin and Cheyenne, since their lives were forever changed by his mistake.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds cool! Great review - its nice to see a YA book with such a unique MC. :)


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