This week I received The Versatile Blogger Award from both Nanny at Getting Naughty Between the Stacks and from Uniquely Moi Books, thank you!
Here's the rules:
1. Share 7 things about yourself
2. Pass The Award to 15 bloggers recently discovered.
3. Notify the blogger recipients
4. Link the blogger who gave the award.
Ok, so here are 7 things about me:

1. I work at Mary Brown’s Famous Chicken and Taters!
2. I prefer werewolves to vampires (but I still enjoy a good vampire book!)
3. I have a cat I like to call "Princess Fatty Pants"
4. I thoroughly dislike blinking Christmas lights
5. My favorite color is green
6. My favorite scent is lilac
7. I wish I lived close to the ocean
And here are the bloggers I am forwarding this to:
1. La Femme Readers
2. A Good Addiction
3. Book-Savvy
4. Flipping Pages For All Ages
5. Intense Whisperer
6. Just Your Typical Book Blog
7. Love 2 Read For Fun
8. LovLivLife Reviews
9. My Ever Expanding Library
10. Not-Really-Southern Vamp Chick
11. The Bodacious Pen
12. The Book Swarm
13. Writing From the Tub - My Life as a Writer in Bath
14. YA Addict
15. WORD For Teens