Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Red Mortal by Deidre Knight

Red Mortal:
Leonidas has long led his fellow immortal warriors in battle with quiet, unyielding strength. But when Daphne, Oracle of Delphi, confesses to having loved him from afar, Leo finds his stoic shell breaking away. Just as their love ignites, Daphne's half-brother Ares strips Leonidas of his immortality. Now, it's just a matter of time before Leonidas is taken from her-unless they can find a way to challenge Ares together.

Red Mortal is the final book in the Gods of Midnight series by Deidre Knight, and I really wish that there was going to be more. Oh, this book wrapped up the series nicely, but I just love the characters so much and it's hard to say goodbye. Throughout the series, Deidre constantly tugged on my emotions, breaking my heart one moment, and then putting it back together the next. Deidre also created an incredible villain, one who just kept on throwing hardships at the Spartan warriors. Ares was cruel and kept the warriors on their toes, giving the books plenty of tension and danger. 

The final battle has come, and Leonidas, with some unconventional help, must lead his men against Ares in order to free them from his control. Admittedly there were times that I got a little tired of Leonidas' repetitive and angsty thought patterns--he's too old for Daphne, he's unworthy of her purity, and so forth. But what I loved was Sophie and Sable's parts in the story. I'd been rooting for them since day one, and was happy to see them finally work out their difficulties and get together. The end of the book gives fans a glimpse into the future for the Spartans and their families, one that left me completely satisfied and my heart finally fully mended.

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