Yes, yes...I know almost every one has seen the movie already!
I don't normally do movie reviews, or talk much about the movies I have seen here on my blog, but when it comes to this series, I just can't seem to help myself!
I finally dragged my hubby to the theater last night to see The Hunger Games. And I have to say WOW! I think they did a pretty good job adapting the book to film. However strange this may seem, I actually found the pace of the movie to be a lot slower than that of the book, but that did not in any way diminish my enjoyment of the film. Despite knowing what was going to happen I still found myself bawling every time something bad happened. I loved the actors chosen to portray the characters and enjoyed the visual effects.
I can't wait to see what they do with the next film.

Thanks for your comments about how good they adpated the book to the movie. I saw the movie first and then had to read the book after. There were definitely some differences but overall I think the movie really followed the book.