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Hi everyone, welcome to another Sundays with Sarah.
This week the post will be a bit different. Over the past 2 weeks, Rayne and I went on a cross Canada mini adventure.
My post will be in 2 parts: The journey there, and next week the fun there and in 2 weeks, the journey back
We started on our adventure in Edmonton, AB and traveled our first day from Edmonton to Winnipeg, Manitoba. We left at midnight on July 29 and did a night drive which I love as sunrises are awesome and I rarely see them.
I did ALL the driving on this trip and trust me it was exhausting. We made a few small stopovers in Saskatoon and Yorkton which are really nice places to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. Rayne enjoyed the trip but was tired and slept a lot during the trip.
Rayne and I stopped at all the border stops along the way,
and for the most part the weather wasn't that bad. I'm glad my car was nicely packed for the trip and lasted the trip but wow I still can't believe my car held so much.
Our first stop was in Winnipeg Manitoba at the Welcome stop KOA Campground.

And we had a great night under the stars getting wet. The tent didn't hold up to well as I didn't treat the material with water proofing and it was a lot smaller to use than I thought. It cost us about $24 to stay the night. It was a great campsite.
We then travelled the following day through the north part of Ontario and OMG was it incredible. I really did enjoy the drive through northern Ontario but after two days of this
I was about to snap. Don't get me wrong, it was still awesome but WOW was it wet.
The gas prices in northern Ontario ranged from $1.44 to $1.98 (in Ignace, ON). We stopped at almost ALL the Tim Hortons along the way, and well…we are sick of Timmies for a while.
We made a stop at Kakabeka Falls which were just incredible and definitely a sight to see. On day two we stopped in Thunder Bay, Ontario which was an awesome place to be and ate at this awesome restaurant called "Tokyo House"
where it was all you can eat sushi. Trust me the place ROCKED!
We stayed one night at the beautiful Rainbow Falls campground and our
site was nice and secluded. Rayne pretty much slept a good chunk on the
We watched videos such as "Dog with a Blog”, "Sam and Cat", "Hoodwinked" and lots of other movies. Well, she watched, and I just listened. We stopped for gas only twice and even had a little fun along the way-- ok maybe a little too much fun.
The car finally rolled to 400,000km just as we hit Wawa, Ontario the way there and well I am still surprised the car made it the entire trip!
We stopped in Sudbury, Ontario on our way TO Amy's place and WOW seeing the massive coal plants was just incredible.
The last leg of the trip took us all the way to Amy's and we arrived around 11:30-midnight and just quickly unpacked and went straight to bed.
So,... a few reviews
** When Visiting Saskatchewan **
Saskatoon is an awesome city with many bridges, friendly people and most of all a FUDDRUCKERS burger restaurant. Gas was 1.31/ltr and was easy to navigate. Yorkton was small but hard to get through with so much construction going on the place was a nightmare. People not so friendly but for the most part it was still good.
Some places to See are the AB-SASK border at Lloydminster and the SASK-MB border which had a big ass buffalo. The Tim Hortons in Saskatchewan were actually quite decent and had the same prices. The tax in Sask was 13% HST
** When Visiting Manitoba **
Aside from the KOA Campground - AVOID THIS PROVINCE!!!!
I was pissed when we stopped at this one place where they spoke French and gave me shit for not speaking French. The gas was around 1.38/ltr and I found for the majority people to be extremely rude. The country was beautiful but well it was best just to drive right through. The tax was 14% HST
** When Visiting Ontario ** Part 1
Ok, from the Ontario Border to Barrie, was just incredible. I loved driving through the north, the roads are well taken care of, people friendly at the small stops we stayed at. Kenora was very pricey but nice, Thunder Bay was just AWESOME, I'd love to move there someday, Driving along Lake Superior and Huron was cool. The Rainbow Falls campground was well maintained, affordable and awesome. Just when visiting an Ontario Provincial Park they do add on extra charges. Sault St. Marie was nice but we didn't get to see the largest NICKLE in the world. Sudbury was good and well Barrie was AMAZING!!!!
Best place to eat - (before Barrie) was Tokyo house
Worst place to eat - Tim Hortons in Dryden
One thing about driving in North Ontario -- Get plenty of rest and take plenty of stops.
Take care and stay tuned for Part 2: The Barrie and Niagara Experience part of my trip next week.
Thanks for reading and tuning in!