A Series of Mad Events
I originally started Mad Moral as a standalone book. My entire writing ‘career’ was based on writing short stories and I rarely attempted to dive into the world of novels. Once I was done with Mad Moral it felt as if it was incomplete. All the characters’ plot lines complete but I still thought there was more to be told about them and the mad world I created. I gladly started book two titled, Mad Menace.
I’ll be honest and say I become bored easily. Mad Moral was dark and focused on three young adult characters and my main goal was to transform the series into something new when I continued the story. I brought back the same three main characters, but their plot lines were more about accepting and exploring who they were instead of the constant avoidance of their mad sides as in the first book.
I changed the pacing, setting and also added a new main character. The second book of the series is more action based and upbeat. I moved the characters to new locations, gave them new careers and even jumped the story a year ahead just to create freshness. Adding a teenage main character was my best move, because it gave the audience and I the opportunity to see the madness the youths in my world encountered while also having to balancing the typical adolescent issues.
I recently completed book three and plan on start book four in the future. Each book I attempt to establish a new main character and new locations. To me, writing a series is a lot more fun and especially for my readers. I love that I have character-bible and get to sit around and figure out how to have new characters cross paths with the old.
I encourage you to give my series a chance, it’s a bit too mad for some and not mad enough for others, but give the first book a read and make your own judgment. I’ll have to borrow my own tag line and say, confront the madness.
Book Description:
A young slasher, Ford, has struggled to fight the madness lurking in the shadowed recesses of his mind. The constant torment consumes him and threatens to topple what's left of his stability. He realizes he must find a release or his torment will lead to his utter destruction. A stranger stalks the streets of Ford's world looking for those like him, slashers, as desired victims. Ford's life at risk, he seeks out the blade-friendly stalker throughout a coastal town with the morally conflicted mindset "slash or be slashed."
Mad Moral is the world of Ford Fischer, where in murderous stuffed animals, gigantic creepy crawlers, and much more madness are common place. Fischer, coupled with a romantically conflicted exorcist and a dreamer who redefines night terrors, leads us through a twisted world that can be best defined as one of a kind.
Enjoy An Excerpt:
Chapter 4 - Comedian:
Ford made his way down a narrow hallway decorated with plaques awarded to the community center, turning into the second door on the left. Inside waited familiar faces, a few socializing, few occupying themselves with their cell phones, and a pair at the snack table.
Ford approached the low-cut, dark haired girl at the table. “Hello Lu.”
The narrowed eyed Lu faced him. “Luke brought his famous pizza bites.”
Ford scanned the room again. “Shit, which one is Luke again?”
Lu laughed. “He’s the youngest slasher here.” She nodded toward a corner. “That’s him.”
Ford met eyes one the young, dark haired slasher and smiled at him.
Luke nervously returned the gesture and looked away.
“I wish I had his smarts to attend these meetings when I was his age,” Ford said.
“Me too,” She stuffed her mouth with more food “But we‘re here now.”
Ford browsed the room for the group’s leader. “Where’s Miriam?”
Lu shrugged. “She’s not here.” She stuffed a few mini-candy bars into her jeans pockets.
“How long has everybody been waiting?”
“Half an hour.” Lu glanced at a wall clock near the entry door. “A few left. I’m about to leave myself.”
“It’s not like Miriam to miss a meeting.”
“Maybe she’s tired of the bullshit,” Lu scanned the crowd. “We all come here, sit around and lie about how we haven’t slashed in years or how we fight our will to harm others. This is all an act. I slashed a young couple three weeks ago. Be honest Ford, you’re only here to rid yourself of the guilt. Who did you slash?”
“Nobody,” He quickly answered, hoping to create false surety.
“You’re lying, but it’s common in this room.”
“If this place is such a waste, why are you here?”
“The free food and the cute guy,” She softly nudged him. “I’m talking about you.”
“Thanks for the compliment.”
“But now it’s mainly the food since we’ve already done the dirty.”
Ford tasted one of the pizza bites and spit it out. “It tastes like beef jerky.”
Lu ate a few more. “I fucking love beef jerky.”
“How about we go check on Miriam? She would do the same.”
“Because she’s a lonely old woman.”
“Yes, but she lives close by anyways,” Ford dug his keys from his pocket. “I’ll drive.”
“I suppose it’ll be more entertaining than sitting home alone petting my kitty.”
“I thought you were allergic to cats?”
She winked. “I am, now let’s go.”
As he followed her, he realized what ‘kitty’ she was referring to. He played with it once, nearly a year ago. Since that moment, they remained distant friends. It was odd dating somebody who possibly had the urge to stab you in your sleep. He loaded her pink and silver bicycle into his back seat and they drove to Miriam’s house.
The woman lived in a small trailer park that was a short drive from the downtown area. Many nights Ford skipped meetings only to receive a phone call from Miriam questioning his whereabouts. She was a kind woman even though it was rumored she slaughtered an entire sorority house back in the seventies. They arrived at the woman’s trailer, the front yard decorated with gnomes dressed as businessmen and women. The streetlights weren’t operational, the neighborhood nearly ghost town like.
Ford and Lu exited the car and headed up to her front door. He raised his clenched fist to knock only for Lu to notice the trailer door was half-ajar. It creaked as she pushed it open, Ford stepping in first. The front yard theme continued inside. No matter where they looked, a gnome was visible. There were photos, miniature figures, dishware, and plush gnomes on her couch. Ford resisted greeting them, not accustomed to silent stuffed animals.
Lu passed the kitchen area and headed to the bedroom door knocking. “Miriam, you here?”
Ford stood close behind Lu. “You missed the meeting, Miriam. Are you okay?”
Lu grabbed the door handle, sliding it sideways into the wall. Miriam’s body lay sprawled out on her bloodstained mattress, multiple stab wounds in the woman’s chest. The average person would have reacted wildly to the scene in the bedroom. Her withering face was pale, her light blue eyes opened. Ford and Lu found themselves admiring the murder scene first, mourning the loss of their group leader second.
Lu shut the door. “The slasher has been slashed.”
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