Put down your bags, pull up a chair and tell me a story!
Please help me welcome Tamara of Tamara's Book Ramblings to the blog today! Tamara lives in Croatia and is a blast to talk books with on Twitter.
NaNoWriMo 2011
Hi there!
So, as most of you probably know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month, which takes part in November of every year.
This year, I participated.
For weeks, I’ve been torn between signing up and not signing up for it, and on October 31st, a day before it started, I did it.
The main goal is to write 50 000 words of the novel you’re writing before the end of November, which, to get to, you need to write 1667 words per day.
So, on the first day, since it was a longer weekend for me and I didn’t have school, I wrote little more than four thousand words, which was very good. And the next day I wrote one more thousand, the day after that I edited all that a bit…
And then it stopped.
The word count then was little less than 6 000, and current word count is the same. The problem is, I just recently started high school and I’m still adapting, and I go to school in two shifts, one week in the morning, other afternoon, that said, I have to coordinate everything with it, and writing was just impossible. But after talking to a couple of twitter friends, I’m not stressing out about that anymore, because I found out that there is the same thing as this in June and August, when I’m on summer holidays, and I will definitely write then!
And this time, I shall finish it.
So, if there are any of you who also didn’t and won’t finish on time this year, don’t worry! There’ll be more chances. Important thing is, you tried. And with no trying, there’s no success.
So, good luck to all who’ll repeat this next year, and congratulations to all who finished their novels!
Thank you for stopping by today, Tamara! I hope everyone enjoyed reading your Nanowrimo experience as much as I did!