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Hi everyone, welcome to another Sundays with Sarah the sporadic blogger on A Simple Love of Reading.
Greetings everyone!
Well it's been several months since I made my last post for Sunday's with Sarah. Mind you I also don't know how many actually read my posts but still. This will be a short post but more will come.
I have been so swamped with life over the past few months that things have been so stressed and hard to deal with. Before I tell you some bad let me at least tell you some good. First of all this is part 1 of a few part post I will be hopefully trying to post in the next few week as I will have more time on my hands.

This summer I made another trip to Ontario to my most awesome friend Amy in Barrie, Ontario. I had an awesome companion (whom I am not able to name in this post publicly) and the trip was made special when we got a chance to go see her favorite 2 bands "5 Seconds of Summer" and "One Direction" in Toronto. The concert was incredible. As usual we drove for almost 3 days there and back but this year we had extra days to relax and soak up the fun. The trip was exhausting but overall it was good. We were able to visit our favorite restaurant in Thunder Bay, and the Anicinabe Park campsite in Kenora was exceptional. The most expensive place for gas that we saw was Upsala at $2.49/ltr but the average cost was around $1.34/ltr. Gas in Edmonton...$1.09 avg.
We had a great visit and now we are hoping that Amy will get a chance next year to visit Edmonton for her first time out west. Cross those fingers.
I've spent the majority of my summer helping out at Birch Bay Ranch Christian summer camp in Cooking Lake, AB. The summer camp has been memorable and incredible. I made new friends, and reconnected with old acquaintances. More to come.
Now as for the bad...
First of all, on the way back from Ontario, the starter in my car died and we got stranded in Saskatoon for almost 6 hours. The ordeal was hell but in the end we got the car fixed, albeit temporarily. I got back to Edmonton but the car was really dead. Cost a bit to fix but that's another story.
This summer also hit me hard as over the summer (mainly recently), I lost a close friend of mine due to depression and family related matters. On top of that, I will also be losing another close friend because of something that was said by them to someone else and because of that I have been requested that I am to distance myself from them. Whether it was said realistically or just for attention, it will hurt that person. I dislike losing friends and they sort of don't know it yet and when they learn about things it will not be easy and will hit them hard. People have many habits of jumping to conclusions and for this instance. I have been asked to stay out of their life indefinitely because if not there will be bad consequences to me... at least they had an awesome vacay as well.
I will explain more later.
But for now I do want to talk about something that has been bothering me and I need to talk a bit about it...
We all have bad days and good days but for some the bad can be so overwhelming that we don't know what to do about them. Depression is now on the rise in all people and I myself am a sufferer of severe clinical depression. It has been part of the reason why I haven't been writing much as I’ve been trying to keep myself insanely busy to keep my mind occupied. But I want everyone to know that if you know of someone who is depressed, please be there for them. We all need someone to love and hold and to comfort us. I know that the next month and a half will be exceptionally difficult to deal with especially since I've been asked to distance myself from an incredible individual but who has made things problematic for me because of some hidden feelings they have. I want you all out there to help and to hold onto those who are suffering from feeling alone, or depressed and such because we all need someone in our lives who can care deep enough to wade through the roughest parts and hold on tight.
Don't let depression consume, but instead get help with it. Children are harder to manage especially teenagers and girls to boot.
Anyways, this post is short for now; I will be making a larger post next week.
Take care and I hope you call can start following more as I will be writing more in the coming weeks.
Take care.